Saturday, January 17, 2009

Turtle, stingray ... SHARK :-0

The plan was a short paddle from Victoria Pt to the northern end of Macleay Island via Coochie .... but with the arrival of a strong southerly change, Kev's inaugural voyage of the "White Knight" was to be some what shortened.

With 20 knots of wind gusting 25 and forecast to get stronger, some of us managed to paddle part of the way to Macleay. On the way, a small turtle surfaced near us, there was also a stingray taking to the air as it flew out of the water. I also noticed the dorsal fin of a shark ..... a SHARK!!!  :-0 .... not more than 7 metres away. I'd estimate it to be about 1.5 - 2m long ... so not that big, and it wasn't interested in us (that we knew of) .... maybe that is why the stingray took to the air ???

An enjoyable and somewhat challenging paddle at times.

Kev making final adjustments on the "White Knight"

Karen gets the jump on Kev and is first out of the starting gates.

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