Saturday, January 15, 2011


The sight confronting us at the first house to be cleaned up. This is the kitchen and dining - Shane and his family only bought the house 5 months ago. It is unsure if their insurance will cover it.

The finished mess after cleaning out the second house. The tenants arrived home from holidays while we were outside. They had not realised the extend of the damage and did not have insurance.


Flyboy said...

Good onya Gaz. I feel a bit guilty being away on holidays, but there are many hands in there getting stuck into it. It is clich'ed I know, but life goes on. We will get through it. Hope you are safe and well.

OutdoorGaz said...

Helping to clean up was the least I could do ... so many people have lost so much. It was great to be able to lend a hand and the people in need certainly were happy to have us there.