Monday, August 02, 2010

Tale of two shoulders.

Once upon a time I had two good shoulders that would let me hang off them on monkey bars then later hang from cliffs. This was all before I tried to fly with my mountain bike.

As I chased a fellow rider down a steep fire trail over numerous water bars at speed, I relaxed as I hit the next and most innocuous of water bars. Bad move indeed. As my back wheel rose sharply into the air, it catapulted me up and forward so that I flew threw a good five metres before we parted company. I landed on the hard rocky surface with my head and left shoulder, breaking my helmet and parting my AC joint very nicely. Type III to be exact, meaning the three ligaments that join collar bone and shoulder blade were snapped, never to be joined again. Bugger!! ... and I hate being winded as well.

Oh well. At least I have another shoulder and its in good condition. Well, for a few years it was. Now it has had a few cortisone injections and physio but is now my bad shoulder. Bugger!! .... at least I didn't get winded ... I don't even know how I did it??

Looks good on the x-ray, but with restricted movement and lots of pain, it has stopped the mountain biking and restricted the kayaking. My bad shoulder has now become my good shoulder. Should I just take HTFU pills and stop complaining or see a surgeon to see if it can be sorted? Would life in front of a TV suit me ... maybe "TVgaz"  or maybe  "McGaz"  hanging (not by the arms) at Maccas.

No ... its off to the surgeon.

(update: surgery booked ... credit card swiped)

(further update: almost two years later .... shoulder is great)

1 comment:

jaman said...

TVGaz sounds good.........NOT!
Good healing to you Sir!